Feb 26, 2013

Paperman and the Future of 2D Animation

【梗影像】紙上談情 Paperman Paperman and the Future of 2D Animation (85屆奧斯卡獎最佳動畫短片) 相關連結:https://www.facebook.com/paperman

Feb 22, 2013

The World’s First 3D Printing Pen that Lets you Draw Sculptures | Colossal

3D Printing Pen 可以幫你做到!

Feb 18, 2013

PaperTab: Revolutionary paper tablet reveals future tablets to be thin and flexible as paper.

【梗科技】像紙一樣輕薄的PaperTab 會是未來平板電腦的趨勢嗎? / Intel®, Plastic Logic and Queen's University

Feb 9, 2013

LUNATIK TAKTIK Premium Protection for the iPhone
